This next installment in MPii’s hugely popular, always-sold-out series THE SECRETS OF THE SCRIPT DOCTORS reveals the powerful and rarely shared tools for making your creative process more efficient, more effective, and more fun.
Discover the little-known practices that the top performing writers use to master the creative process in a way that empowers, hones skills, and increases output of higher quality work.
How you undertake pre-writing research and preparation,  your daily work habits, your expectations for writing and rewriting, how you identify with writing, and how you relate to feedback, can have a major impact on your success as a story creative.
The first 3 sections of MPii’s popular series “The Secrets Of The Script Doctors” focus on techniques and break-through concepts to make what you write better, this upcoming afternoon intensive takes you deep into the power of how you write, so you can get more, higher quality writing done in less time, and all the while, with less stress.

  • Do your day-job, family and/or social commitments make it hard to focus on writing?
  • Do you ever struggle with resistance, procrastination or writer’s block?
  • Are you consciously aware of your “internal editor” and how it influences your writing? Do you and this part of your creative brain work together or are you at odds?
  • Does the way in which you are approaching writing mean you are inadvertently avoiding weaknesses and therefore missing the opportunity to turn them into strengths?
  • Is the process you are using really the best one for you? Or could you be much happier and more productive if you knew about some alternate approaches?
  • Do you wish you could be productive even when the muses aren’t cooperating?

Get the tools you need to keep your projects and career moving forward.  Even working professionals often overlook the competitive advantage that comes with more masterful creative processes. So even if your career is moving forward well, it could be moving forward better, faster, and stronger with more effective methods.

This next installment of MPii’s popular ‘SECRETS OF THE SCRIPT DOCTORS’ series will reveal:

  • 7 Secrets for getting more, better writing done in less time, with less work, less stress and less worry.
  • The number one most powerful technique for taming “creative resistance” and working with your “internal editor” that the most popular books on fighting resistance miss.
  • 3 keys to overcoming Writer’s Block and be productive even when inspiration isn’t striking.
  • The better, easier, faster way to beat out your Structure and intuitively explore Character at the same time.
  • Different approaches and exercises that will help you find a writing process that helps you turn your weaknesses into strengths.
  • How to tap into the power of daily writing ritual, while avoiding the traps of superstition.
  • How the top pros balance their writing with other aspects of life (family, social, recreation, day-job, etc.)
  • How to come up with more and better ideas for movies/tv shows in less time than you spend waiting in line at Starbucks.
  • How to take the pain and anxiety out of re-writing, especially when they want you to get rid of things that you love in your prior draft.

This is one of our most popular workshops and space is limited, so sign up today at:


Use the special discount code MPiiList when you register, and get over 30% OFF!!  

* MPii works hard to keep costs and fees to a minimum, and all workshops, clinics and courses are offered with a satisfaction or your money back guarantee.